Bringing Preservationists Together
The Texas Historical Commission’s ninth annual Real Places conference is scheduled for April 23 – 25, 2025 in Austin.
This conference will once again bring together professionals and volunteers, from diverse disciplines and organizations, that make historic preservation happen in Texas. Enjoy the opportunity to network with and learn from County Historical Commissions, Main Street managers and board members, historic preservation officers, design review boards, architects, engineers, historians – professional and avocational, archeologists – professional and avocational, curators, interpreters, educators, nonprofit staff and volunteers, THC staff, Texas Heritage Trail Regions, and many more.
Attendees return to their communities with renewed energy, ideas, and resources for enhancing their historic preservation and heritage tourism programs. We hope you will join us!
Become a SponsorWhy Attend?
Want more reasons why you should attend the Real Places conference? Don’t just take it from us. Our Why Attend? page contains feedback we’ve heard from past attendees, as well as specific information and skills you can learn at Real Places and take back with you to benefit your organization, company, or community.
Gain Education & Certification Credits
Members of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) can earn Certification Maintenance (CM) credits by attending certain Real Places workshops and sessions.
Members of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) can earn continuing education credits to meet licensing requirements by attending certain Real Places workshops and sessions.